Going All Out for Inbound

You may have heard about inbound marketing before – but what does it mean? Inbound marketing takes a more human approach to growing businesses by attracting, engaging and delighting both current and potential customers. These marketing campaigns achieve a higher ROI than outbound techniques regardless of company size, geography or budget. Why? It’s simple. Inbound marketing revolves around meaningful content that generates attention and can be shared easily. Reaching B2B customers online has never been easier as 68 percent of them prefer to research online. Eighty-seven percent of buyers give more credit to content shared by an industry leader and the most successful B2B marketers spend 40 percent of their total budget on inbound marketing.

In order to do inbound marketing the right way for B2B customers, we at Spotlight decided to become a partner with the best inbound marketing platform in the world – HubSpot. Let’s talk about what we can do with this platform and learn about some of the highly sophisticated features we’ll be using for our clients.

Get Content in Front of the Right People

HubSpot allows us to publish blogs directly to our clients’ websites while getting real-time SEO suggestions. We can also post social messages at optimal times so we can reach the right people at the right time. The platform also measures past behaviors so we’re able to serve relevant headlines, CTAs and more.

Drive Traffic to Unique Landing Pages

This platform lets us design our own CTAs using personal messaging based on traffic source, location, personas and more. The best part? No coding is required (phew!). 

Convert Visitors Into Qualified Leads & Turn Them Into Customers

We’re not all developers, which is why the fact that we can launch professional-looking landing pages in seconds without having to rely on a web developer is so great! We can even attach forms in a single click, run A/B tests to increase conversions and engage with visitors in real-time using live chat.

Track Customers & Report Bottom Line Impact

This is probably my favorite feature. HubSpot has robust email tools and drip campaigns that give each lead a personalized path to purchase. With these tools, we have the ability to give them everything they need to become paying customers, and every interaction with our content automatically triggers the perfect next step. At the same time, the platform automatically records and organizes every interaction customers have with the clients’ brand. This allows us to confidently show our clients how their inbound marketing campaign has contributed to their sales.

Ready to Start Getting Leads?

If you’re ready to start getting leads and proving your own ROI, let the experts at Spotlight help. We’re proud to be a HubSpot Agency Certified Partner, meaning we have the certifications and tools needed to start driving traffic, tracking customers, and converting leads. Get in touch with us to see what we can do for you today.

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